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Η καταιγίδα αποκαλύψεων για το σκάνδαλο των "προγραμμάτων κατάρτισης" αποδεικνύει ότι η μιντιακή χούντα δεν είναι ανίκητη

globinfo freexchange  Με την άνοδο της κυβέρνησης Μητσοτάκη στην εξουσία, είχαμε μια ταχεία επιχείρηση εγκαθίδρυσης μιας ιδιότυπης μιντιακής χούντας, που ολοκληρώθηκε με την τοποθέτηση ανθρώπων του καθεστώτος σε θέσεις-κλειδιά στη δημόσια τηλεόραση.  Δεδομένου ότι τα ιδιωτικά κανάλια είναι η μηχανή προπαγάνδας των ιδιωτικών συμφερόντων της ντόπιας ολιγαρχίας και της τρόικας εσωτερικού, το μόνο που είχε να κάνει η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη (που είναι η πολιτική συνιστώσα αυτών των συμφερόντων), ήταν να καταλάβει τη δημόσια τηλεόραση.  Η ενημέρωση μέχρι σήμερα υπήρξε απόλυτα μεροληπτική, με τη φωνή της αντιπολίτευσης να ακούγεται ελάχιστα. Και η εκκωφαντική αυτή μεροληψία έφτασε στο αποκορύφωμά της την περίοδο της λήψης μέτρων για τον περιορισμό της πρόσφατης πανδημίας.   Η μιντιακή χούντα λιβάνιζε και συνεχίζει να λιβανίζει το καθεστώς σχετικά με την ταχύτητα που πήρε μέτρα για να περιορίσει την πανδημία, φιμώνοντας την όποια αντίθετη φωνή στο όνομα δήθεν της ενότητας και τη

Η κυβέρνηση παίρνει πίσω τα «voucher της αρπαχτής» μετά τις αποκαλύψεις για το σκάνδαλο

Μετά το φιάσκο με την υποτιθέμενη κατάρτιση - επιπέδου «σκόιλ ελικικού» - των Ελλήνων επιστημόνων και εν μέσω καταιγιστικών αποκαλύψεων για το σκάνδαλο με το πρόγραμμα των voucher, η κυβέρνηση αναγκάστηκε σε άτακτη υποχώρηση και ο υπουργός Εργασίας Γιάννης Βρούτσης ανακοίνωσε την κατάργηση του προγράμματος.  Στη σχετική ανακοίνωσή του, το υπουργείο Εργασίας υποστηρίζει ότι ο λόγος της κατάργησης του προγράμματος είναι τα τραγικά λάθη που παρατηρήθηκαν στις πλατφόρμες του προγράμματος, αν και αυτά είναι γνωστά εδώ και μέρες και ο ίδιος ο Γιάννης Βρούτσης είχε φροντίσει να τα υποβαθμίσει λέγοντας ότι βρέθηκαν «τέσσερα λάθη σε δυο σελίδες».  Από το πρωί, ωστόσο, οι αποκαλύψεις για το σκάνδαλο με τα voucher είναι καταιγιστικές, οδηγώντας την κυβέρνηση σε μονόδρομο. Το Τ είχε αποκαλύψει από την έναρξη του προγράμματος τον τρόπο που αυτό θα υλοποιούνταν καθώς και το «πάρτι» των εκατομμυρίων που είχε στηθεί, αλλά και το περίφημο τρικ με τις πλατφόρμες που επρόκειτο να πιστοποι

Coronavirus stimulus bill funds State Dept/USAID operations that once helped trigger polio outbreak in Syria

A look at recent USAID schemes from Pakistan to Syria shows US empire can be very hazardous to your health. by Max Blumenthal Part 2 - Washington’s “moderate rebels” bring polio back to Syria The Syrian government achieved a public health milestone in 1999 when it fully eradicated polio through a nationwide vaccination drive. Fifteen years later, however, the World Health Organization had declared a public health emergency as polio returned and threatened to spread to neighboring countries. Why had an entirely preventable disease been able to creep back into Syrian communities? The answer was simple: the country had been destabilized by a proxy war fueled by the US and its allies, placing entire regions under the control of extremist militias that severed those under their control from the public healthcare system. Operation Timber Sycamore, a semi-covert operation to topple the Syrian government, officially began in 2012. Through this multi-billion-dollar arm-and-equi

How one of Big Pharma’s most corrupt companies plans to corner the COVID-19 cure market

One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies in the united states, with troubling ties to the 2001 anthrax attacks and opioid crisis, is set to profit handsomely from the current coronavirus crisis. by Whitney Webb and Raul Diego Part 3 - Sourcing problems The Michigan Biologic Products Institute (MBPI) had been founded in 1926 by the State to serve the vaccination needs of its largely rural population, many of whom worked on farms and required inoculation against naturally occurring anthrax spores and rabies.  By the 1980s, the Institute stood alone as the only anthrax vaccine manufacturer in the U.S. after 1970s-era regulations had driven most private vaccine manufacturers out of business. MBPI’s anthrax vaccine was known as Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA) or BioThrax. Aligning himself with policy recommendations issued by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy – a front for the controversial Koch brothers, Michigan’s governor, John En

Billionaire-backed Human Rights Watch lobbies for lethal US sanctions on leftist governments as COVID-19 crisis rages

Regime change-hungry HRW is proudly taking credit for crushing new US sanctions on Nicaragua while pushing to escalate Washington’s economic war on Venezuela. The Grayzone presents a deep dive into the “human rights” arm of US empire. by Ben Norton Part 4 - HRW praises Trump admin for imposing Nicaragua sanctions it lobbied for The Trump administration has dedicated itself to the overthrow of Nicaragua’s democratically elected  Sandinista government, backing a violent coup attempt in 2018, dubbing the small country a supposed “threat to national security,” and imposing several rounds of sanctions, which have crippled the economy and disproportionately impacted the poor and working class. On March 5, the US government hit Nicaragua with a new round of sanctions, this time targeting the country’s police forces. Numerous Human Rights Watch operatives responded by publicly lavishing praise on the Trump administration. One HRW employee who previously worked for the US

We have come now to the point where an entire class of society has been designated "expendable"

globinfo freexchange Nick Brana, the national director of the Movement for a People's Party, national political outreach coordinator with Bernie 2016 and founding electoral manager with Our Revolution, spoke to Jimmy Dore, about the current situation in the United States amid COVID-19 pandemic crisis. In one sentence, Brana gives the picture of a completely broken system and the level of its failure:                          There is an entire class of society right now that has been designated "expendable". And it's being like an amputation that is being cut off and sacrificed. An entire class, millions of people, they don't have any income, anymore. They were living paycheck to paycheck before this. They have zero savings. And now, they're expected to continue paying for rent and basic necessities? It's abominable. And inside all this Dystopian Armageddon, progressives capitulated to the neoliberal order, one more time, through this a

US coronavirus 'bailout' scam is $6 trillion giveaway to Wall Street

Moderate Rebels Facing the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Congress rammed through the CARES Act — which economist Michael Hudson explains is not a "bailout" but a massive, $6 trillion giveaway to Wall Street, banks, large corporations, and stockholders. Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss the enormous financial scam with Hudson, who reveals how the economy actually works, with the Federal Reserve printing money so rich elites don't lose their investments. 

Is the coronavirus the end of capitalism and the revival of Socialism?

acTVism Munich An in depth discussion with Marxist economist, author and co-founder of Democracy at Work , Richard D. Wolff, about the U.S. healthcare approach to the coronavirus and its economic implications. Examination of the U.S medical industrial complex, globalisation and the role financialization has played on healthcare, and whether government intervention can lead to distortions in the economy and even authoritarianism. Whether the concept of democracy at work can function during imminent crises such as the recent pandemic. Lastly, Wolff provides his opinion on Bernie Sanders endorsing Joe Biden and voting for the lesser of two evils.

Leaked texts reveal how party insiders stopped progressives!

Redacted Tonight A leak from the WhatsApp conversations of the British Labour Party's insiders has found that many high-profile members of the party were actively mismanaging the 2017 snap-election to undermine the insurgent left wing of the party as represented by Jeremy Corbyn. Bernie Sanders has had a similar saga.

Labour report reveals how Jeremy Corbyn was sabotaged from within

The Grayzone An internal investigation has found that top Labour Party officials sabotaged Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, including by trying to lose the 2017 UK election. The report also suggests that the same people who tried to undermine Corbyn were themselves the ones who were slow to respond to allegations of anti-Semitism -- another weapon that was used against Corbyn's leadership.