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AOC finally says it: the Democratic Party is "not Left ... it's Center-Conservative"

" We don't have a Left party in the United States. The Democratic Party is not a Left party, " the congresswoman said. " The Democratic Party is a center, or a center-conservative, party. " Dear Americans, the Democratic Party as well as the Republican, are purely neoliberal. The Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton have nothing to do with the Left!

Sep 2019 picks

Brexiteers' puppet Boris Johnson pushes the endo-capitalist war to its limits As Boris Johnson unleashes ultimate threat against Bremain capitalist faction, the British working class is suddenly in front of a unique opportunity Anti-Brexit neoliberal propaganda reaches ridiculous levels, becomes an indirect threat   Mysterious suspect for possible involvement in 9/11 attacks missed and forgotten  Tucker Carlson accidentally promotes one of the most anti-capitalist, real-Left positions! Greece is about to become the blueprint for modern feudalism Bernie disappoints again due to his neocon/Trump position on Venezuela Another false flag operation? The neocon cabal wants to make sure that Trump will stay on the track for war with Iran in his second term Saudis were pushing the US to provide assistance for their military campaigns in Yemen at least since 2009

The people of Colombia are cracking up the walls of war and authoritarianism

The sustained protests are part of a larger trend against austerity and endless war. by Justin Podur The protests that started with the national strike called by Colombia's central union on November 21 to protest pension reforms and the broken promises of the peace accords have persisted for two months and grown into a protest against the whole establishment. And the protests have continued into the new year and show no signs of stopping. The end of the decade has seemed to bring an unstoppable march of the right wing in Latin America as elsewhere. The 2016 coup in Brazil that ended with fascist Jair Bolsonaro in power, the 2019 coup in Bolivia, the continuously rolling coup in Venezuela, all showcased the ruthlessness of the U.S. in disposing of left-wing governments in the region.  Right-wing victories at the ballot box occurred in Chile in 2017 and in Colombia in 2018, where the electorate rejected the left-wing Gustavo Petro and embraced Iván Duque, a protege o

Brazilian criminal complaint against Glenn Greenwald is an attack on Free Press

On Tuesday, a federal prosecutor in Brazil announced a denunciation of American journalist and Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald related to his work on a series of stories published on The Intercept and The Intercept Brasil .  The denunciation is a criminal complaint that would open the door to further judicial proceedings. It alleges that Greenwald “ directly assisted, encouraged and guided ” individuals who reportedly obtained access to online chats used by prosecutors and others involved in Operation Car Wash, a yearslong, sprawling anti-corruption investigation that roiled Brazilian politics. The denunciation will now go before a judge who can approve or deny the request for charges. The Intercept and Greenwald both released statements Tuesday decrying the federal prosecutor’s accusation as an attack on Brazil’s free press in line with recent abuses by the government of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.  Abuses committed by Justice Minister Sergio Moro when h

Bolivia: as elections near, US-backed interim gov’t mobilizes military, arrests opposition leaders

Wednesday, January 22 marks the day that Jeanine Añez is set to stand down as “interim” President of Bolivia, beginning the process for fresh elections set for May 3. Añez came to power in November, following a U.S.-backed coup that deposed the Movement to Socialism’s (MAS) Evo Morales. However, she is certainly not acting as if she intends to relinquish her power, let alone move towards new elections. Instead, she has sent the military, replete with tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, into the capital cities of all nine departments of the country. MintPress News ’ Ollie Vargas was on the scene in the center of the capital La Paz, where he filmed hundreds of armed soldiers performing drills outside the Cathedral of St. Francis and dozens of military vehicles circling the city, sirens on and guns drawn. “ The purpose of that is to intimidate people ahead of possible protests against the coup on the 22nd of January…This was a show of force saying you are not going to be abl

BBC faces existential threat. In the 21st century, it has nobody left to lie to

by George Galloway Part 1 Whoever replaces outgoing BBC Director General Tony Hall, be sure that establishment interests will be in safe hands. But multiple scandals the broadcaster has been involved in damaged it quite possibly beyond repair. The next director general of the BBC will be formally appointed by Sir David Clementi, educated at Winchester, Oxford and Harvard, a former deputy governor of the Bank of England, chair of insurance giant Prudential, a former director of Rio Tinto Zinc, chair of Virgin Money and CEO of Kleinwort Benson. His grandfather was the governor of Hong Kong. Be sure then that the interests of the establishment are in safe hands. But in truth, the new DG will be picked by another public-school Eton-and-Oxford blue-blood, Boris Johnson. For the BBC is a “state broadcaster,” just as much as the other “state broadcasters” in the world at whom they like to look down their noses. The government of the day appoints the guiding hands at the BBC who

Brazil’s far-right government backed terror plot against Venezuela, top newspaper reveals

Brazil’s extreme Bolsonaro government backed an attack on Venezuela in a plot to overthrow its elected president. The shocking terror operation has received no coverage in mainstream US media. by Ben Norton Part 2 - Trilogy: 3 planned attacks on Venezuela, with help from foreign countries With the support of neighboring right-wing countries, Venezuelan military defectors planned to launch three military uprisings against the Venezuelan government on or around Christmas Eve, according to O Globo . The official name of the operation was Trilogia (Trilogy). One attack targeted Venezuela’s Bolívar state on the southeastern border with Brazil; a second attack was planned as an amphibious invasion; and a third was to take place near Colombia’s border. Two of these three planned attacks failed, as only one of the groups carried out the orders as planned. Brazil-backed insurgents crossed into Venezuelan territory and, on December 22, attacked the 513 Selva Mariano Montilla i

Social Media and Social Control: how Silicon Valley serves the US State Department

Facebook isn’t the only Silicon Valley firm with partisan oversight of what we see: the bipartisan billionaire class and their security state have partnered with tech firms since the dawn of the internet to control the parameters of users’ thinking. by Morgan Artyukhina  Part 6 - Bad actors Fast forward to August 2018: along with other social media platforms with whom it shares tips and information, Facebook has begun targeting voices from, and in defense of, nations targeted by the U.S. State Department for regime change. However, it’s not just Russians any more: some of the voices silenced in the semi-regular sweeping round of bans include Cubans, Venezuelans, Iranians, and Chinese as well. Frequently, these bans coincide with elections in the U.S., though Facebook typically avoids citing election interference in its press releases, giving the media free reign to speculate. Standard fare is for tips on “inauthentic content” to come from one of two places: the Atlantic

Κι όμως, ο Σάντερς μπορεί να νικήσει!

Αλέξανδρος Ζέρβας Μέρος 2ο - Το «ρεύμα» που έρχεται από το 2016 Οι πρόσφατες δημοσκοπήσεις που δείχνουν τον Μπέρνι Σάντερς να προηγείται στην κούρσα για το χρίσμα των Δημοκρατικών έρχεται απλά να επιβεβαιώσει το «ρεύμα» που καταγράφεται στο εσωτερικό της αμερικάνικης κοινωνίας υπέρ της υποψηφιότητάς του. Πρόκειται για μια εξέλιξη, η οποία μόνο έκπληξη δεν προκαλεί στους περισσότερους. Άλλωστε, αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι ακόμη από την καμπάνια του ενόψει των προκριματικών του 2016 ο Σάντερς ήταν ο μόνος υποψήφιος που είχε συλλέξει δωρεές δεκάδων εκατομμυρίων ευρώ, οι οποίες κατά βάση δεν προέρχονταν από  εκατομμυριούχους επιχειρηματίες κι εκπροσώπους λόμπι. Αντίθετα, εκατομμύρια ήταν οι απλοί Αμερικάνοι (από δασκάλους και νοσοκόμες μέχρι φοιτητές), οι οποίοι είχαν σπεύσει να συνεισφέρουν στην προσπάθειά του. Όλα αυτά αντικατόπτριζαν δε τη ριζοσπατικοποίηση ενός τμήματος της αμερικάνικης κοινωνίας, κυρίως μέσα στην τελευταία δεκαετία.  Η σημερινή επιτυχία Σάντερς λοιπόν

Aug 2019 picks

Top agent of the global financial mafia sends message to Brexiteers: 'we will not put you in the game' One of the first things a progressive government should do in the US Pro-Brexit capitalists attempt to bring additional pressure to their globalist rivals through a US-UK trade deal Manufacturing uncritical thinking   Bernie finally declares war on neoliberal fascists who destroy the planet Paul Mason attempts to propagate typical neoliberal revisionism, immediately gets destroyed on Twitter The untold Socialist history of the United States