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Jean-Luc Mélenchon may be Julian Assange's last chance to escape from the brutal Anglo-American fascist regime

The Anglo-American axis has now become officially a fascist coalition, framed by the rest of its Western pets.

UK's Home Secretary Priti Patel, one of the most ruthless ever, decided to extradite Julian Assange to US. No surprise of course. The only question we had in mind is "what took her so long?" And the only answer we can think of, is the fear of an angry public response by Assange's supporters and ordinary people. And we should hope for that, during the time of the battle (and beyond) against that preposterous decision.

It seems that the decision has terrified not only independent, but also some mainstream media outlets. As if they have suddenly woke up from a great shock, realizing now for good what this decision would truly mean for press freedom.

An article in The Guardian is quite characteristic:
Murderers, torturers and war criminals will be toasting the British home secretary, Priti Patel, tonight. Her decision to approve the extradition of Julian Assange turns investigative journalism into a criminal act, and licenses the United States to mercilessly hunt down offenders wherever they can be found, bring them to justice and punish them with maximum severity.

Julian Assange’s supposed crime was to expose atrocities committed by the US and its allies, primarily in Afghanistan and Iraq, during the war on terror. He shone a light on the systematic abuse dealt out to prisoners in Guantánamo Bay. He revealed the fact that more than 150 entirely innocent inmates were held for years without even being charged.
He published a video of helicopter gunmen laughing as they casually massacred unarmed Iraqi civilians in an attack that killed around 15 people, including a Reuters photographer and his assistant.

The US declined to discipline the perpetrators of that atrocity. But they are pursuing Assange to the ends of the earth for revealing it took place.

Once safely in US hands, it’s all but certain that Assange will spend the remainder of his life in jail. That’s because the US is determined to show that terrible reprisals lie in store for any reporter who runs a story based on US government documents. 


Assange’s legal team are to appeal, and let’s pray that they succeed. If they do not, newsgathering in Britain – and everywhere else where the American government has influence – will become a criminal activity ultimately punishable by incarceration for life in a US jail.
A little late for The Guardian to realize what is at stake. And don't forget that it was found in the frontline of the establishment media that have declared a dirty and ruthless war against Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and real journalism.
Reuters headlines and reports about this terrible development were, as expected, neutral. We should not, of course, expect anything more from the top imperialist outlet, even after the assassination of two of its employees by the US army, revealed by Assange's WikiLeaks. 

In any case, the fascist nature of the Anglo-American axis and its puppet Western allies is now fully exposed. As Caitlin Johnstone wrote:
By standing his ground and fighting them, Assange has also exposed the lie that the so-called free democracies of the western world support the free press and defend human rights. The US, UK and Australia are colluding to extradite a journalist for exposing the truth even as they claim to oppose tyranny and autocracy, even as they claim to support world press freedoms, and even as they loudly decry the dangers of government-sponsored disinformation. 


Extraditing a foreign journalist for exposing your war crimes is as tyrannical an agenda as you could possibly come up with. The US, UK and Australia colluding toward this end shows us that these are member states of a single empire whose only values are domination and control, and that all its posturing about human rights is pure facade. Assange keeps exposing the true face of power.

There is in fact a strong argument to be made that even all these years after the 2010 leaks for which he is currently being prosecuted, Assange is doing his most important work yet. As important as his WikiLeaks publications were and are, none of them exposed the depravity of the empire as much as forcing them to look us in the eye and tell us they'll extradite a journalist for telling the truth.

Another development of the last moment, shows that more and more leaders of the Left understand the seriousness of Assange's case and the fact that his extradition to the US would destroy the last remands of democracy in the Western world.
As was reported by Benjamin Mathieu, Jean-Luc Mélenchon told press: "If I'm prime minister by Monday, Julian Assange will be naturalised as French — and given a medal"
So, the French voters have now one more good reason to vote for the leader of the Leftist coalition tomorrow against the authoritarian banking-corporate puppet Emmanuel Macron. Apart from giving a chance to Julian Assange to escape from the brutal Anglo-American fascist regime, they could also save press freedom, one of the last remnants of Western democracy.

In any case, more and more people should join the fight until full drop of charges against Julian Assange and his release. And the message to the fascist Anglo-American axis and its allies should be louder and cleared than ever: "if you dare to execute Julian Assange and press freedom, get ready for a non-linear, all-out war by millions of free thinkers around the world."


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