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The big barrier called Putin

... and the suspension of the global economic oligarchy's plans for Russia

by system failure

Even when in 1989, the Berlin wall was falling, there were only few who could believe that the global economic oligarchy would dissolve the Soviet Union or Yugoslavia, bringing a bloodbath at the heart of Europe.

After the invasion of the neoliberal IMF-type doctrine in Russia and the destruction of the economy, what was expected to come, was that Russia could be transformed into a huge feud for the local oligarchs, who with the help of the Western capital, could literally steal the basic resources and structures of the country which the Soviet state had bequeathed.

The local oligarchs, with Boris Berezovsky in charge, brought their man in power, as they thought, to do the job. The oligarchs' media managed to boost Putin's publicity, beating Yevgeny Primakov, who was quite dangerous for their plans at that time. Even today, it is not quite certain who was responsible for the bombings in Russian cities in September 1999, leaving hundreds of dead and wounded, but this fact opened the road for the Russian invasion in Chechnya and boosted the publicity of the then prime minister Putin, who soon became the president of Russia.

Putin however, had other plans and made clear from the first moment that he was not disposed to serve oligarchs who were forced in self-exile, as they realized that the game in Russia was lost. After that, the new president of Russia managed to "hypnotize" the West, by playing the game with its own terms, empowering, at the same time, the Russian influence. By enhancing the pipeline network in Europe, he managed to secure its energy dependence from Russia and boost the geopolitical power of his country.

While the EU and US were occupied with the war against terrorism as well as with the dead-end wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas of the planet, Putin had all the time to build his own mechanism against Western propaganda. Being himself a man who had come to power with the help of media, he built his own media network which includes, for example, the TV network Russia Today, according to the Western standards, and "invaded" in millions of homes in the Western countries using the English language, promoting however the Russian positions as counterweight to the Western propaganda monopoly.

The West suddenly discovered that the new cold war was about to come and that the Russian bear has waken for good and should be dealt. The facts in Ukraine have shown that the Western block is in panic and worries that Russia could extend again its sphere of influence to the countries of the former Eastern block. In a rather clumsy move, the EU and US rushed to support neo-nazis and nationalists in Ukraine, and put them in the game for good by bringing them in power.

The designers of this plan have failed to predict the reactions of Russian people in Crimea and East Ukraine since they managed to revive the national collective memory of the fights against the nazi invaders during WWII and unite the Russian population, which is the majority in these regions, against Svoboda and Right Sector neo-nazis.

The Boko Haram case in Nigeria and the US-UK decision to send forces to liberate the female students, is an attempt by the West to persuade for its commitment to humanitarian values, despite its support to neo-nazis in Ukraine and tolerance of their crimes there. It is not accidental that the Western media excessively projected Obama's initiatives for this matter, while at the same time it is a common secret that hundreds of women in Africa are being raped, tortured and killed every day, not to mention genocides, like the one in Rwanda, for which the West has silenced and did nothing to prevent them.

Additionally, a possible rise of the eurosceptics in euro elections, will probably give the chance to Russia to extend its influence in countries that exclusively belong to the Western sphere of influence. The visit of the leader of the main opposition Leftist party SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, to Moscow, shows that Putin considers that current government in Greece has no chance to stay in power and that a potential Left government in Greece against Merkel's neoliberal Europe, could better serve Russia's plans to boost its geopolitical power in Eastern Mediterranean.

What we see in Ukraine is probably another failure of various think tanks, mostly from Washington, which they are funded, of course, by the international capital. It seems that, apart from the fact that they have underestimated Putin's abilities, they have also wrongly estimated that Russia had passed permanently in the neoliberal phase and would be ready to become an easy victim to promote their plans. According to these plans, the ultimate goal would be probably to dissolve the vast Russian territory in future and bring in power Western-friendly puppet regimes, in order not only to conquer the valuable resources, but also to impose permanently the neoliberal doctrine on "unexplored" regions and populations.

What was left to do, for the moment, is to challenge Putin in order to drag Russia in an endless attrition war in East Ukraine and this explains to a degree Putin's hesitation to act like he did in Crimea. Against Russian army, of course, the West will not risk to put an organized military force, but only teams of mercenaries of private armies, as already did. It is certain, however, that, despite that the global economic oligarchy has lost valuable time because of its wrong moves, it will not give up its plans for Russia easily ...


  1. Anonymous19/5/14 22:46

    Good luck to Putin and Russia. Many in US would like to see them win, beat the oligarchy. All I dare say for now.

  2. My daily friends here in rural Indiana, mostly have a TV taught worldview. They were indifferent to Russia and some were even hostile towards all things Russian.
    The Russian policy on gay propaganda at the time of 'peak queers' in The US, changed my friends from indifferent or hostile to friendly and supportive of Russia and the leadership there. Well done, Russkies.

  3. Anonymous23/6/14 21:00

    Good luck,Russia!

  4. Good luck,Russia!

  5. May that big barrier remains invulnerable to all the dirty attacks of western psychopaths!
    I wish my country had a leader like V.V.Putin. God bless Russia and her true statesman, standing for international law and common decency in politics. He prompted many people all over the world to awakening from the hypnosis induced by psychopaths.

    1. If Putin is as evil as Western pundit like to "project," then the smartest, most evil move he ever made was to commit himself 100% to "international law and common decency in politics." It has earned him the respect and admiration of millions in the West.

  6. Anonymous6/3/15 16:48

    Isn't it ironic that Russia is now this world's only hope for a non Orwellian society

  7. Anonymous13/3/15 00:45

    Edgar Cayce predicted that after the fall of communism, Russia would emerge to become the "Light of the World."

  8. God bless Russia and Out in as they fight for survival against the despicable NWO of the decadent west

  9. God bless Russia and Out in as they fight for survival against the despicable NWO of the decadent west

  10. Anonymous18/6/16 13:23

    US/NATO just wants to create more chaos to keep selling weapons. They do not care for this planet to survive.

  11. Thank God for Russia and Putin. I've waited 87 years to see this happen.

  12. Glory to Christian Russia!
    Long live the King of the North -- Putin the Great!


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