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Ο Χρυσοχοίδης επικροτεί την άθλια προπαγάνδα της μιντιακής χούντας!

globinfo freexchange Μετά τον αποκλεισμό της βουλευτή ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στο νομό Καστοριάς, Ολυμπίας Τελιγιορίδου, από τη συνάντηση που έγινε στην Καστοριά με κλιμάκιο του ΕΟΔΥ, ήρθε η σειρά του Χρυσοχοίδη να αποδείξει πόσο "καθεστώς" είναι αυτή η κυβέρνηση. Όπως αναφέρει το :                     Αίσθηση και αντιδράσεις προκάλεσε η δήλωση του Μιχάλη Χρυσοχοΐδη στο Πρώτο Θέμα, καθώς παραδέχτηκε πως τα μίντια «μεγέθυναν» τις συμπεριφορές ελάχιστων πολιτών. Ο υπουργός Προστασίας του Πολίτη, ανέφερε συγκεκριμένα ότι «η τηλεόραση μεγέθυνε ελάχιστες μειοψηφίες στις παραλίες και στα άλση» και μάλιστα προχώρησε επικροτώντας αυτό το γεγονός: «Καλά έκανε η τηλεόραση γιατί η πειθαρχία πρέπει να είναι απόλυτη. Οι πολίτες πειθάρχησαν και πειθαρχούν όταν αντιλαμβάνονται ότι τα προτεινόμενα είναι προς το συμφέρον τους. Είναι υποχρέωση της πολιτείας να τους κάνει να το αντιληφθούν». Η απαράδεκτη δήλωση του υπουργού, υποτίθεται, προστασίας του πολίτη, δεν αποτελεί απλά

There’s never been a better time for us to end private health insurance than right now

The coronavirus crisis will lead to health insurance premium increases by up to 40 percent next year. We can’t afford that. Instead of seeing premiums skyrocket or bailing out private health companies, we need to seize this moment to abolish private insurance and create a single, national insurance plan. by Tim Higginbotham  Part 1 The US health care system is going to be overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic for months to come. But when the spread of the virus finally does subside, many of its impacts will be here to stay. With millions of Americans likely to need expensive hospital stays this year, our nationwide health care costs are expected to increase by as much as $251 billion, according to a new analysis. As a result, US health insurance premiums could rise by up to 40 percent in 2021, exacerbating a crisis of ever-increasing costs that already leave Americans paying far more for care than the people of any other country. What this means is that we’re about t

Already faced with famine and war, Yemenis fear Saudi Arabia is weaponizing COVID-19

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Saudi Arabia has engaged in a number of questionable practices that have Yemenis fearing the Kingdom may be intentionally trying to spread the virus. by Ahmed Abdulkareem  Part 2 - Weaponizing COVID-19 Moreover, authorities in the Sana’a Health Ministry accused Saudi Arabia of trying to spread the coronavirus intentionally. On Monday, Saudi warplanes dropped boxes containing face masks in the al-Ahli district in Hodeida province and Bani Sa’ad and al-Taweilah in the al-Mahwit governorate as well as Nugom in Sana’a. The number of masks was insignificant and dropped into densely populated areas causing a predictably frenzied panic among desperate citizens who all stormed the locations to retrieve what protection they could.  Authorities accuse the Saudi government of intentionally causing panic among Yemenis in order to encourage them to break social distancing guidelines and expedite the spread of COVID-19. If Saudi officials genuinely

Meet the Americans studying medicine on the Cuban government’s dime

The Cuban government has been paying Americans through a little known program to study medicine in order to return to the United States and serve underprivileged communities. by Alan Macleod Part 2 - “It was like going to the UN” MintPress News spoke with two American attendees of ELAM to understand why they chose Cuba and how they found themselves on the tiny Caribbean island that has been shunned by American media and foreign policy. “ It was like going to the UN, ” said Sarpoma Sefa-Boakye, a Ghanaian-American who studied there between 2002 and 2009. Dr. Sefa-Boakye now practices family medicine in San Diego. Walking to school every day, she said, she passed dorm rooms filled with Africans, Latin Americans and students from other Caribbean islands, all speaking different languages. “ The teaching [here] is of the highest quality, ” Olive Albanese assures me, with class sizes similar to those in American medical schools. Albanese is a fifth year student from Milwauk

Dear Berners: Dementia Joe is how much “your” party HATES you

by Paul Street Part 9 - An Orwellian Masterpiece / AK-47? “ The media, ” a left friend writes from Michigan, “ did everything they could to paint Sanders as anti-American and radical and hide Biden’s awful record. ” “ Why is it, ” a mainstream, pro-establishment Michigan Democrat (MPEMD) responds, “ that Bernie can’t just admit he lost without blaming it on a grand conspiracy? More voters voted for Biden because more voters wanted to. ” The MPEMD is off base. Bernie hasn’t acknowledged defeat yet and is too polite and respectful to blame his losses on a big plot. Call it a “ grand conspiracy ” of whatever you like, this is just an accurate description of historical reality: “ the media …did everything they could to paint Sanders as anti-American and radical and hide Biden’s awful record. ” That happened. It is precisely what occurred at “ liberal ” MSNBC (MSDNC) and CNN (and other outlets). MSDNC is reporting on history it helped make — “ an Orwellian masterpiece ” in t

Νεοφιλελευθερισμός: Ο καπιταλισμός της παρακμής και η δημόσια υγεία

«Αν υπάρξουν απολύσεις γιατρών στον ΕΟΠΥ, σας παρακαλώ αυτό δεν θέλω να το χρεωθεί η τρόικα, δεν θέλω να μου παίρνει την δόξα ο Τόμσεν για τα αυτονόητα. Οι αποφάσεις είναι δικές μου» (Άδωνις  Γεωργιάδης, 13/11/2013)  του Λεωνίδα Καρίγιαννη Μέρος 5ο - Δημόσια υγεία: Στήριξη όχι διάλυση Η κυβέρνηση της ΝΔ είχε πάρει απόφαση να αποτελειώσει ότι είχαν διαλύσει οι μνημονιακές εντολές.  Οι υπουργοί της κυβέρνησης δήλωναν σε όλους τους τόνους ότι θα «τελειώσουν» με κάθε τι το δημόσιο και κυρίως με την δημόσια υγεία.  Αυτήν την δύσκολη στιγμή κοινωνία και εργαζόμενοι πρέπει να σταθούν απέναντι στις διαθέσεις της κυβέρνησης για «ιδιωτικοποίηση των πάντων». Συνδικάτα, κοινωνικοί φορείς, κόμματα της αριστεράς πρέπει να απαιτήσουν την δραστική αύξηση των κονδυλίων για την δημόσια υγεία. Πρέπει να απαιτήσουν την ορθολογική οργάνωση της δημόσιας υγείας με αύξηση του προσωπικού στα προ κρίσης επίπεδα, ενίσχυση  του ιατροτεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού, αγορά  ικανοποιητικού αρι

Βαρουφάκης: πράξη νομοθετικού περιεχομένου άμεσα για πάγωμα του νόμου "Ηρακλής"

globinfo freexchange Ο Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης συνεχίζει τον ανένδοτο αγώνα εναντίον του ύποπτου νόμου "Ηρακλής" που ψήφισε η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη τον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο. Με νέα ανακοίνωσή του τόνισε:                     Κόκκινα δάνεια: πράξη νομοθετικού περιεχομένου, σήμερα, άμεσα, με την οποία να παγώνετε όχι μόνο τους πλειστηριασμούς , αλλά ολόκληρο τον νόμο "Ηρακλή".                     Όπως σας έχω θυμίσει κύριε πρωθυπουργέ, αν δεν παγώσετε τον "Ηρακλή", θα ενεργοποιηθεί δημόσια εγγύηση από τα αρπακτικά ταμεία και τότε η κυβέρνησή σας, θα αναγκαστεί να δανειστεί από την Τρόικα, άλλα 12 δισεκατομμύρια, αυτή την εποχή κιόλας, υπέρ ποιανών; Όχι των τραπεζών, ή των δανειοληπτών βεβαίως, αλλά υπέρ των ταμείων!                      Σας προειδοποιούμε κύριε πρωθυπουργέ, κυρίες και κύριοι της κυβέρνησης: αν δεν κάνετε το αυτονόητο, να παγώσετε με πράξη νομοθετικού περιεχομένου τον "Ηρακλή", με αποτέλεσμα να αυξήσετε το δημόσιο χρέος κατά

Despite calls for global ceasefire, Trump threatens war with Iran amid COVID-19

"Unsatisfied with a global pandemic and an economic collapse, Trump wants to add a major war into the mix." by Andrea Germanos As the coronavirus pandemic wreaks havoc on world economies, claims tens of thousands of lives, and cripples healthcare systems worldwide, President Donald Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to threaten to attack Iran and make the country " pay a very heavy price " for any " attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq. " The threat comes on the heels of the Trump administration crippling Iran's access to crucial medial supplies as it battles over 47,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 by ramping up a sanctions regime on Iran that leading economists said was " feeding the coronavirus epidemic " and progressive organizations and Democrats said must be eased in light of the deadly disease. " Unsatisfied with a global pandemic and an economic collapse, Trump wants to add a major war into the mix, " Ste

Pompeo's 'transition' plan tells Venezuela to suffer into submission

The Grayzone The Trump administration has unveiled a so-called 'democratic transition' plan that demands the ouster of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in exchange for a five-person "Council of State," and threatens "increased" sanctions if Venezuela does not comply. Latin America policy analyst Leonard Flores says that the plan is a non-starter and the latest US effort to starve Venezuelans into submission. 

Despite Joe Biden opposition, Bernie Sanders' Medicare For All surges in support

Christo Aivalis A new poll by Morning Consult shows that 55% Registered American voters support Medicare for all, which is up 9% since last month, and up among Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. This is showing that as more people find themselves unemployed and affected by the crisis, they are realizing that private healthcare is not serving their needs, especially as they lose access to job-linked insurance plans. Despite all this, Joe Biden continues to oppose Single-payer Medicare for All, and is thus blowing an opportunity to win over the electorate. This, combined with his dementia and cognitive decline, will cause him to lose to Donald Trump. But Bernie Sanders' solid commitment to medicare for all shows that he is the man to lead America during these hard times.