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#MeToo provocation against Bernie Sanders organized by CNN and Elizabeth Warren

by David Walsh   CNN and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Democrat from Massachusetts, with powerful establishment support, combined to stage a provocation this week aimed at slowing down or derailing the campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Through CNN, the Massachusetts senator’s camp first alleged that Sanders told her in December 2018 a woman could not win a presidential election, an allegation Sanders strenuously refuted. At the Democratic debate on Tuesday night, CNN’s moderator acted as though the claim was an indisputable reality, leading to a post-debate encounter between Warren and Sanders, which the network just happened to record and circulate widely. This is a political stink bomb, borrowed from the #MeToo playbook, typical of American politics in its putrefaction. Unsubstantiated allegations are turned into “facts,” these “facts” become the basis for blackening reputations and damaging careers and shifting politics co

MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid invites quack body language expert on to trash Sanders

MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid has a history of strongly racist and homophobic remarks. She was one of the chief proponents of the RussiaGate narrative and history of anti-Muslim and homophobic comments. by Alan Macleod MSNBC anchor Joy Ann Reid invited Jeanine Driver, a self-styled expert in the highly contentious field of body language analysis on her show, AM Joy, to assess the recent spat between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders at the seventh Democratic presidential debate. Warren accused the Vermont Senator of dismissing her chances, claiming he said that a woman could not become president, something he vehemently denies. “ First of all I think Bernie’s lying, ” Driver told Reid’s weekend audience of around 1.1 million, claiming, “ his shoulders come up like a little kid getting caught, ” adding that Sanders was “ trying to hide in plain sight. ” Driver offered up more questionable expertise in why she agrees with Warren: “ He starts with ‘well.’ Liars like to start with ‘wel

Brazil’s far-right government backed terror plot against Venezuela, top newspaper reveals

Brazil’s extreme Bolsonaro government backed an attack on Venezuela in a plot to overthrow its elected president. The shocking terror operation has received no coverage in mainstream US media. by Ben Norton Part 1 Brazil’s far-right government helped support military attacks on Venezuela in hopes of inciting a coup and violently overthrowing the country’s leftist government. This plan was revealed by a major pro-government newspaper in Brazil. And yet the shocking story was not covered by any mainstream paper in the US or Europe. Outside a lone report by Venezuela’s state-backed teleSUR — which Washington-backed coup plotters are now trying to usurp – the story was completely ignored in Anglophone media. The United States has supported a series of coup attempts against Venezuela’s elected government since 2002, which accelerated in 2019. But the details of Brazil’s role in the latest plot is a novel revelation. On December 31, the Brazilian newspaper O Globo discl

Jul 2019 picks

Baraka's message to Bernie: an indirect invitation for a coalition with the Greens? The Greeks have just committed suicide by electing the most fanatically neoliberal government ever   YouTube algorithm is now directing you towards corporate media propaganda, eliminating independent news competitors   CIA's critical role in the revival of Islamic fundamentalism Ruthless Donald Trump proves he could even provoke a civil war in his effort to maintain power Is the Left now ready for a counterattack in order to exterminate the neoliberal/far-right authoritarian beast? The real reason Boris Johnson pushes for a no-deal Brexit

Trump is doing what George Bush did with preemptive war

RT America Jimmy Dore and Brigida Santos discuss efforts by House Democrats to limit President Donald Trump’s ability to engage in war with Iran without congressional approval. Will the Senate also approve the War Powers Resolution? Jimmy and Brigida also reveal the Department of Homeland Security’s new DNA collection program at the border. Security expert Nick Espinosa talks about California’s new digital privacy law. Will it really protect consumers from corporate spying?

Social Media and Social Control: how Silicon Valley serves the US State Department

Facebook isn’t the only Silicon Valley firm with partisan oversight of what we see: the bipartisan billionaire class and their security state have partnered with tech firms since the dawn of the internet to control the parameters of users’ thinking. by Morgan Artyukhina  Part 5 - New knowledge, old tactics A key December 2018 report that claimed to lay out the “tactics & tropes” of the IRA, and blasted Facebook and Google for their lack of cooperation with the Russiagate probe, was prepared by New Knowledge , a cybersecurity company revealed just weeks later to have helped orchestrate massive election meddling in Alabama’s 2017 special election. Facebook suspended the account of New Knowledge CEO Jonathon Morgan, who is also a former special adviser to the State Department, for having directed a crew of political functionaries who pushed story after fake news story, even posing as Alabama Republicans in order to tarnish their image, all in an effort to convince vote

Κι όμως, ο Σάντερς μπορεί να νικήσει!

Αλέξανδρος Ζέρβας Μέρος 1ο Καθώς μπαίνουμε στην τελική ευθεία ενόψει των αμερικάνικων προεδρικών εκλογών του Νοεμβρίου, ένα είναι το βασικό ερώτημα που απασχολεί πλέον του περισσότερους στην άλλη άκρη του Ατλαντικού (και προφανώς όχι μόνο): ποιος θα είναι εκείνος που θα μπορέσει να απαλλάξει τις ΗΠΑ και ολόκληρο τον κόσμο από τον «εφιάλτη» του Ντόναλντ Τραμπ. Για τους Δημοκρατικούς - μετά το «ναυάγιο» που υπέστησαν το 2016 - το ερώτημα μοιάζει μάλιστα να είναι ζωτικό. Κι αυτό γιατί στις προηγούμενες προεδρικές εκλογές η Χίλαρι Κλίντον, η οποία είχε πάρει το χρίσμα της υποψηφιότητας μέσα από μια «αμφιλεγόμενη» διαδικασία, υπέστη σοκαριστική ήττα -αν και είχε πάρει συνολικά περισσότερες ψήφους- από τον αντίπαλό τους, έχοντας χάσει κρίσιμες κοινωνικές ομάδες, οι οποίες παραδοσιακά στήριζαν το Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα. Και μάλιστα σε πολιτείες - κλειδιά, οι οποίες «έβγαζαν» πρόεδρο. Επρόκειτο για έναν κίνδυνο, που είχαν επισημάνει αρκετοί, όταν έβλεπαν την ηγεσία του Δημοκρατικού

US deep state scenarios on cancelling 2020 election: securing a war with Iran and marking the definite end of Democracy in America

globinfo freexchange On January 14, the blog published an article about a potential oncoming war between the US and Iran. We estimated that it is unlikely the US deep state to start a war before the 2020 presidential election. Otherwise, as we wrote, the deep state would have to take the risk of some extreme solutions. Like, for example, an 'emergency situation' plan on the pretext of the war, in order to postpone the election and, at the same time, extent Trump's presidency. With all the chaos and the rising popular anger, the whole country would soon be getting into 'uncharted waters'. Yet, it seems that such a scenario not only exists, but it was designed by an Israeli private company. And moreover, it appears that the company is deeply connected with the deep state and the Trump administration. We found that MintPress News published an article , written by Whitney Webb, on the same day with our article above, giving the full details. As Webb rep

CNN is Trash

by David Swanson Why has the hash tag #CNNisTrash been popular since this week’s presidential primary debate? There was nothing new about the corporate, militarist, anti-progressive slant of the debate “moderation.” What was new was the level of blatant bias so extreme that even viewers who knew nothing about the issues couldn’t miss it, plus the amount of time CNN focused on expressing its hostility toward a single candidate, Bernie Sanders. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win . . . or so the saying goes. The Bernie Sanders campaign is well into stage 3 out of 4. Remarkably, CNN began Tuesday’s debate with a focus on endless U.S. wars in the Middle East, and with questions aimed at criticizing those who had supported the launching of some of those wars many years ago — support that various politicians and even media outlets like the New York Times (but not CNN) have long since been compelled to apologize for. Yet the CNN mo

What really happened with Venezuela's parallel president?

The Real News Network Media reports and the Trump administration presented a very one-sided version of the election of Venezuela's National Assembly leadership, presenting it as a coup. But who is trying to overthrow whom?