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The grotesque alliance of Western imperialists in one picture

As US President Donald Trump uses his time in Brussels to lambast European leaders for their various failings, as he sees them, a photograph now making the rounds on Twitter has captured the mood perfectly. When NATO leaders stood to have their group photo taken ahead of the summit’s opening ceremony, they all seemed to be looking at something to their left. Trump’s attention, however, was caught by something to the right — and the perfect meme was born. One Twitter user suggested that the photograph was the “perfect metaphor” and that Trump “sees the world the wrong way” in comparison with his NATO allies.

The secret plans for regime change in Iran by the Western neocolonialists

globinfo freexchange According to whistleblower and founder of the independent news website NewsBud, Sibel Edmonds, the Western intelligence has given a secret ultimatum to a faction of the Iranian army in order to proceed in a coup to topple the Iranian government. Citing well-informed sources from the region, Edmonds describes the blackmail, which basically consists of two possible plans. About a year ago, the Western nations had secret meetings with some Iranian high-level military officials outside Iran. The Western intelligence military provided the following ultimatum to the Iranians: Plan A: you topple the government with a military coup and make it look like you are anti-American, anti-Western, based on your nationalism. You will make it look like it is for the sake of the Iranian people who are suffering from the economic depression. Behind the scenes we will support you and we will lift the sanctions. Plan B: the Western nations a

Brazil: PT slams 'lawfare' against Lula, weighs legal actions

“ Moro, Thompson, Gebran and the delegates on duty at the Federal Police in Curitiba are all accomplices in the same violence against the rights of Lula," PT's Gleisi Hoffmann. “ It's difficult to point out who acted in the most shameful way ” said the president of the Workers' Party (PT), Senator Gleisi Hoffmann, regarding the weekend legal events that kept former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in prison despite a release order. “ Why don't they immediately arrest the Brazilian people that want Lula free and Lula president? ” Hoffmann rhetorically asked, adding that she is “ sad that the country has to be ashamed of its judges. ” Lula da Silva remains in prison after a decision by an appeal judge to immediately release him was blatantly rejected by unauthorized judges, starting what some have dubbed a lawfare. “ Moro, Thompson, Gebran and the delegates on duty at the Federal Police in Curitiba are all accomplices in the same vi

Δεν είναι παρανοϊκοί, είναι απλά νεοφιλελεύθεροι!

Tην ώρα που η νεοφιλελεύθερη ευρωπαϊκή συμμορία -της οποίας μέλος είναι και η ΝΔ- αμφισβητεί ανοιχτά θεμελιώδεις εργασιακές κατακτήσεις, όπως το 8ωρο, στη χώρα μας, υπόδικοι επιχειρηματίες, διεφθαρμένοι πολιτικοί και τα παπαγαλάκια τους, στήνουν νέο γύρο κοινωνικού αυτοματισμού με αφορμή τις συντάξεις και τις εργασιακές σχέσεις. του Κωνσταντίνου Ταχτσίδη Η ακραία ηγετική ομάδα της ΝΔ, μπορεί για ψηφοθηρικούς λόγους να αποκρύπτει τις πραγματικές τις απόψεις για τις συντάξεις, τις απολύσεις και γενικότερα για τις εργασιακές σχέσεις, αλλά η δίψα για "αίμα" δεν κρύβεται εύκολα, ειδικά όταν για καιρό έχουν μείνει "πεινασμένοι". Το σύστημα που χρεοκόπησε τη χώρα δεν αρκείται απλά στο να ξαναγυρίσει στην εξουσία, με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο. Θέλει εκδίκηση. Όχι από το ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Θέλει να ταπεινώσει τους ίδιους που κατασυκοφαντεί με συνέπεια τα τελευταία 8 χρόνια. Την κοινωνία που πριν τρία χρόνια τόλμησε να αμφισβητήσει την καρμική τους σχέση με την

Ecuador embraces neoliberal reform and US interests

Part 2 - Pence Finds an Eager Ecuador U.S. Vice President Pence started his third Latin American tour on June 26, which took him to Brazil, Ecuador and Guatemala. As the U.S. announced its new attempt to “restore democracy to Venezuela,” images and videos of Latin American toddlers and children kept in prison-like conditions after being separated from their relatives by U.S. authorities flooded the internet. The world and people of the U.S. responded with outrage. But outrage did not make its way to Ecuador’s presidential palace, Carondelet. During the joint press conference, Moreno failed to denounce Trump’s immigration policy, instead he thanked the U.S. government for “ its commitment to put an end to this humanitarian problem, ” while Pence focused on Venezuela’s economic migrants and then went on to “ respectfully urge Ecuador... to take further steps to isolate the Maduro regime. ” Intentionally or not, the judicial order for preventive prison for former Preside

Donald Trump: the last symptom of a system that is about to collapse

globinfo freexchange In another interesting interview with Chris Hedges, Richard Wolff explains why the Trump presidency is the last resort of a system that is about to collapse: Finally, if everybody tries to save themselves (protection), we have a historical example: after the Great Depression that happened in Europe. And most people believe that it was a large part of what led to WWII after WWI, rather than a much saner collective effort. But capitalism doesn't go for collective efforts, it tends to destroy itself by its own mechanisms. There has to be a movement from below. Otherwise, there is no counter force that can take us in another direction. So, absent that counter force we are going to see this system spinning out of control and destroying itself in the very way its critics have for so long foreseen it well might. When Trump announced his big tariffs on China, we saw the stock market dropped 700 points in a day. That's

Bullshit Jobs: Σε δουλειά να βρισκόμαστε

Τo 1930 ο οικονομολόγος Τζον Μέιναρντ Κέινς προέβλεπε ότι μέχρι το τέλος του αιώνα η ανάπτυξη της τεχνολογίας θα επιτρέπει στους πολίτες των καπιταλιστικά αναπτυγμένων κοινωνιών να εργάζονται 15 ώρες την εβδομάδα. Σήμερα, καθώς ακροδεξιά και νεοφιλελεύθερα καθεστώτα της Ε.Ε. προωθούν τη 12ωρη ημερήσια εργασία, κάποιοι αναρωτιούνται: Και τι δουλειά θα κάνουμε 12 ώρες τη μέρα; Άρης Χατζηστεφάνου Στο London School of Economics, όπου εργάζεται ο καθηγητής Ανθρωπολογίας Ντέιβιντ Γκρέμπερ, υπήρχε ένας μαραγκός, που έφτιαχνε τα γραφεία, τις βιβλιοθήκες και άλλες εγκαταστάσεις του κτιρίου. Οι ανάγκες, όμως, των διδασκόντων και του διοικητικού προσωπικού ήταν τόσο μεγάλες ώστε έπρεπε να περιμένουν σε λίστα αναμονής για να εξυπηρετηθούν. Βλέποντας τα παράπονα να αυξάνονται, η διοίκηση του πανεπιστημίου προσέλαβε έναν υπάλληλο με αρμοδιότητα να κατευνάζει την οργή των άλλων υπαλλήλων. Αυτό που κανένας δεν σκέφτηκε ήταν ότι το πρόβλημα θα είχε λυθεί εάν στη θέση του συγκεκριμένου υπα

Austria has just returned to the Middle Ages

The Austrian government confirmed that the far-right is an emergency reserve of neoliberalism globinfo freexchange Haven't you yet convinced that the nationalists and the far-right are the most faithful dogs of the big capital? Then, look at what just happened in Austria. In the end, despite the mass protests in Vienna , Austrian employers will be able to introduce 12-hour working day without increasing wages. The relevant law adopted by the Parliament of the country, reports on Friday, July 6. What's the first thing that Emmanuel Macron did after his election in France? He rushed to complete what Francois Hollande - the other puppet of the neoliberal establishment - had started: destroy trade unions, completely deregulate the labor market. Yet, the media in France were promoting him as a 'progressive' (what a joke) who will stop the far-right threat. In reality, big capital’s reserve, Marine Le Pen, is waiting in the 'bench', ready to take a

Worldwide vigils protest murder of Colombian social leaders

Several cities around the world joined Colombia’s vigil Friday to protest the systematic murder of social and community leaders. In Colombia's capital city of Bogota, and in Medellin thousands gathered with lit candles to reject incidents of violence, which seems to have become the norm. “ We scream in silence that we don’t tolerate one more murder, no more violence, no more aggression against our human rights defenders, no more paramilitary structures trying to silence us. #TheyWon’tSilenceUs #TheCpuntryFirst @CountryFirst, ” activist Mafe Carrascal tweeted. The protests and gatherings of solidarity were organized after a particularly deadly week, during which at least seven social leaders, including Ana Maria Cortes, a social leader, and coordinator of Gustavo Petro’s presidential campaign in the city of Caceres, Antioquia. Petro has said that Cortes had denounced the mayor of Caceres and that the head of the local police threatened her and

Unbelievable: Israel is arming Ukraine's blatantly neo-nazi militia the Azov Battalion!

A shocking new report in the Electronic Intifada reveals that Ukrainian neo-Nazis are using Israeli weapons to fight Russia. Journalist Max Blumenthal discusses the SS-wearing Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia that uses Hitlerian symbols and is embedded in the National Guard of Ukraine, which also receives support from the US and Canada.