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As coronavirus destroys free market fundamentalists' doctrine, the choice between Sanders and Biden becomes even more clear

 globinfo freexchange

On Friday, Bernie Sanders gave a speech about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis that the world and the United States are facing. As Medicare For All is Sanders' top priority in his political agenda, he took the chance to highlight the significance of a public, non-profit health care system, especially in major health crises, like the one we are experiencing right now.

Some of the most important parts of his speech below:

As we struggle with this crisis, it is also important that we learn the lessons of how we got to where we are today, and what we must do in the future so that we are better prepared for similar crises that may come.  Poll after poll already shows us that the American people understand that we must do what every other major country on earth does. And that is to guarantee healthcare to all of our people as a human right, not a privilege. 

As we begin to see the failures and vulnerabilities of the current healthcare system, my guess is that those numbers and the demand for universal healthcare will only go up.

And obviously, in this crisis, and unbelievably, it means that people who are sick today, people who woke up this morning with symptoms of the coronavirus, are saying 'you know I feel sick but I cannot afford  to go to a doctor.'  And when somebody is not treated for the virus – somebody who is unable to afford to go to that doctor – that means that that infection can spread to many others, putting us at risk.

How could it be, that when we spend so much more than what other countries are spending, we have millions of people who may be dealing with the virus but who cannot go to the doctor because they can’t afford it? That is a question that must resonate in every American’s mind.

If this isn’t a red flag for the current dysfunctional and wasteful healthcare system, frankly I don’t know what is.

For the benefit of all of us, we must make sure that every person in this country who needs to seek medical treatment, can go to a doctor free of charge regardless of their income. That is obviously what we must do now in the middle of a crisis, but that is what we must do as a nation in the near future.

Sanders actually made a presidential appearance, and did what a president should have done, especially in such a crucial period. 

Check out the shallow responses to the pandemic by president Trump, and even by the corporate Democrats, who, all together, proved again that they are on the same boat. None of them dared to disturb their wealthy donors. You see, many of them come from the private health industry and they don't want changes that would harm their profits. 

Sanders made the difference again. He has chosen the side of the people against the corporate interests, as any president ought to do under a real democracy.

Many others highlighted the significance of public health care. Former Greek Minister of Finance and current leader of the Diem25 movement, Yanis Varoufakis, went further. In a recent statement about the coronavirus pandemic, he supported that "it is about time we eradicate private health service." As he pointed out:

If there are any lessons to be learned from this latest development in the global political economy it is: firstly, the importance of public health systems and secondly, how crucial it is to use public finance for the benefit of the many, not the few.

Have you noticed that private health providers resemble rats that are jumping off the sinking ship? Have you heard anything being discussed regarding the contribution of private hospitals and private health care during this crisis of the coronavirus induced dynamic? No, they are nowhere to be seen.

Every euro, every yen, every dollar, which is being spent on private health services, detracts - not only does not add enough - but detracts from the capacity of humanity to deal with pandemics. It is about time we eradicate private health service. There is not even a liberal argument in favor of private health insurance, of private health systems. They do not work even by the standards of liberal economic, pro-capitalist, pro-market thinking.

But if you are still skeptical against the words of some moderate Socialists, Marxist economists (or whatever you want to call them), check out some research coming from three different institutions. As the MarketWatch reported:

                      A COVID-19 outbreak at a Seattle-area nursing home has drawn nationwide scrutiny to these facilities’ ability to ward off the virus. For-profit ownership and private-equity backing of nursing homes, academic studies show, may weaken facilities’ staffing levels and compliance with federal standards — two factors that researchers say will be critical in nursing homes’ fight against the disease. Private-equity buyouts of nursing homes are linked with higher patient-to-nurse ratios, lower-quality care, declines in patient health outcomes and weaker performance on inspections, according to new research from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, New York University’s Stern School of Business and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Perhaps the most impressive is that the article was published in a website that could be considered one of the most powerful flagships of financial capitalism and free market fundamentalism. And even the title of the article leaves no doubt: Private-equity takeover of nursing homes has reduced quality of care at critical moment, research suggests.

For-profit private healthcare has failed so loudly to respond sufficiently to the pandemic that even free market fundamentalists appear unable to defend it.

Yet, despite all that evidence, a totally corrupt system continues to flood with an insane amount of money the completely broken financial sector. The Wall Street parasites are kept constantly in mechanical support, sucking trillions of dollars, while the corporate puppets in the mainstream media continue to ask 'how are you going to pay for that?' when someone speaks about public healthcare.

And how about Joe Biden? Where does he stand on the issue?

Well, it is more than evident that he is just another neoliberal Democrat, or Republican if you prefer, who stands 100% on the side of the corporate status quo. He will never support Medicare For All, even under the pressure of a serious pandemic. Just check out Forbes' report:

                     Shares of healthcare stocks soared on Wednesday after former Vice President Joe Biden’s strong performance on Super Tuesday, indicating the market’s belief that Medicare For All plans will dwindle. 

So, what else do you need to know? Couldn't become more clear. Sanders is the only option right now for the working-class Americans, against Biden, Trump, or any other corporate Democrat.


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