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Panama Papers: When mainstream information wears the anti-establishment mask

by system failure

From the beginning of the revelations through the Panama Papers leak, someone could sense that something was wrong. The first names that came out to publicity were related to countries like Russia, China, or other considered Western rivals, together with some "collateral damage", like the prime minister of Iceland, and the father of British prime minister Cameron.

Yet, even this latest "collateral damage" may not be considered accidental. Remember that the British citizens will vote in June referendum on whether the UK will remain part of the European Union or not. The leak concerning Cameron's father could be a warning shot for Cameron to take a clear position against Brexit. Concerning Iceland, all you have to do is to remember that it was the only country that put banksters in jail after the explosion of the latest big financial crisis.

The impressive amount of data in Panama Papers, indicates that the establishment, in global scale, attempts to create aggressively - faithful to the neoliberal tradition and methods - another monopoly in the field of the leak "industry".

Naturally, a war has started between the system "outsiders" and "insiders". WikiLeaks immediately and justifiably rang the bell when they saw the names of the funders of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists that had a major role in the revelations. As described in previous article : “Who is funding the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists that had a major role in the revelations? The Centre for Public Integrity US, which in turn is funded by the Open Society Foundation (Soros mogul), the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund and other "charitable" institutions. While at the bottom of the website of Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project which published the Panama Papers, the Open Society Foundation and USAID are listed as sponsors. The USAID is infamous for hidden interventions in other countries to support US geopolitical agenda.

Another thing that went unnoticed, is that the Panama Papers leaks came almost simultaneously with another big scandal revealed by WikiLeaks. The Panama Papers revelations came right after WikiLeaks exposed the IMF economic hitmen, who have been caught discussing the probability to stage a “credit event” against Greece, in order to force the government to take every last cruel measure according to the Greek experiment.

This coincidence of course may be irrelevant, but it would be useful to keep it in mind. The convenient timing of the Panama Papers leaks, right after the WikiLeaks revelations concerning Greece, quickly overshadowed the latest, as the global public opinion turned immediately to the Panama Papers that came with an impressive amount of data. The scale of the Panama Papers is truly incomparable, but if you think about it, they didn't reveal something we didn't know. Many were not surprised, while probably most of the transactions exposed could be considered legal inside the deregulated framework of the global financial system.

On the other hand, nearly everyone knows the dirty role of the IMF and its policies that destroyed many national economies so far. Yet, it was the first time that its executives have been caught of thinking to design a financial coup against a country. Concerning the degree of importance, this revelation could be considered much more significant.

The latest example suggest a possible tactic that could be expanded in future cases. The establishment could feed the mainstream information channels with huge amounts of controlled data, to overshadow crucial revelations by WikiLeaks, Snowden, or other truly independent whistleblowers, and gradually wipe them out from the field of the leak "industry". It's easy someone to understand that such a development would mean the end of real leaks and revelations.

We could be wrong of course. We will have to wait to see whether all the amount of data in Panama Papers will be given to publicity without discrimination. The developments leave little room for us to be optimistic. It appears that the "outsiders" of the leak "industry" are right and the battle between WikiLeaks and MainstreamLeaks will be continued.

Recently “WikiLeaks took to Twitter to criticize what the organization describes as the continued “censorship” of the Panama Papers archive by the organizations and reporters who control the contents of the leak.” and “the investigative unit at Süddeutsche Zeitung argued that limiting access to the archive was a way to protect the source of the leak: “As journalists, we have to protect our source: we can’t guarantee that there is no way for someone to find out who the source is with the data.” In response, WikiLeaks slammed this as an “entirely bogus” justification by ICIJ that allows for “lucrative privatization” of the Panama Papers.” [fa.ev/2016/04/wikmain]

Furthermore, beyond the attempt of the mainstream information channels to wear the anti-establishment mask and conquer the leak "industry", there is, suspiciously, another deeper target. The establishment probably attempts to equalize everyone under the dominant "ideology" and spread the message: you can't find a moral system of values outside the neoliberal doctrine, so, you have to compromise with it and play by its "rules".

Especially the revelation concerning Iceland fits perfectly into such an objective. The prime minister of the only country that jailed the banksters has been found in Panama Papers. To be honest, the fact that most of us slightly got angry or surprised with Panama Papers revelations, shows that the Matrix that we live in has already affected the moral centers of our brain. However, there are hopeful signs of resistance. Only one example is the mass movement created by Bernie Sanders in the United States. And that's one of the most serious reasons for the fierce hunt of the real whistleblowers by the establishment, in order to take the monopoly of the leak "industry".


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